Purchase collar tag
#1 Select
> #2 Engraving > #3 Delivery
> #4 Payment
Here you can purchase a collar tag for a dog or cat.
The price of €{{price00}} includes the cost of laser engraving with the text of your choice,
and we give a discount of €2.50 for mentioning your pet's microchip number.
Our collar tags are of high quality and durability.
The laser engraving provides high-contrast legibility.
We also offer a spare duplicate at low cost with this purchase.
Step 1 : Select Dog or Cat
Click image to choose |
Step 2 : Engraving for your chosen {{species==='canine'?'dog/large 27mm':'cat/small 23mm'}} collar tag
Step 3 : Postal address for delivery of the engraved tag
in case of delivery issues
receipt & delivery info
Step 4 : Payment - Full delivery address is required...
Step 4 : Payment
{{ct.tag}} |
{{line.t}} |
Microchip ID, for €{{discount00}} discount

Total amount due: €{{totalprice00()}}
Note: the engraving will be blank unless you supply some text to engrave.
Pay for {{paneldesc()}}

Our tags are prepared and engraved manually, and inspected for quality before being despatched to the address you supply.
Tags are processed on a first come, first served basis and we aim to process tags within one working week.
Please allow time for processing and delivery by post. We only deliver within Ireland.
We may have to adjust the text size and position to ensure it fits on the reverse of the tag.
While we have good support for most Latin characters, we cannot guarantee that all symbols can be engraved.
We cannot process emoji and non-Latin characters even if your Web browser permits you to enter them.
To ensure success and legibility of the final product please use only digits, simple A-Z characters and basic punctuation.
We aim to have stock of all advertised tags, but if our stock cannot meet your order we will either supply an alternative or
contact you for further instructions, and we will refund if you are not satisfied with our offer.
Online payments are handled by Stripe, and we therefore have no visibility of your payment card details,
so please note the invoice number presented at the end of the payment process.
Online payment will be refused if you have insufficient funds, your bank prevents the payment,
or if the PSD2/SCA security requirements associated with your payment card are not met.
If ordering by post, ensure you fill in the form completely online before printing it to post to us with your payment.
The information you supply in this process is used exclusively to facilitate product delivery,
and records are maintained solely for the purpose of commercial accounting.
You can also print this form and post it to us with your remittance.
- Complete the form in your Web browser
- Print the completed form (one page)
- Add a draft, order or cheque for the total amount indicated
- Post to: Fido, PO Box 484, Naas
{{line.t}} |
You have paid: €{{totalprice00()}} 

For future reference, your invoice number is: {{invoice}}
A discount was given for chip ID: {{chipid}}
Price includes a spare tag.
Your tags will be delivered soon by post after engraving and quality checks.
Thank you.