Dogs Trust and Fido are delighted to announce that for National Chipping Week 2025,
we will be offering free Microchipping Certificates for dogs that have already been correctly chipped and registered,
but need to have the contact details recorded against the chip updated.
This will ensure that your dog is fully in compliance with the Microchipping of Dogs Regulations 2015.
To avail of your free Microchipping Certificate, all you have to do is fill out your details in
a simple online form, submit them and then someone from Fido will be in touch within a couple of days.
We hope you find this service useful and we thank you for taking part in National Chipping Week!
Please note that in order to avail of this amnesty, your dog has to have been chipped and then registered on
a Government-approved Dog Identification Database.
The amnesty supported by Dogs Trust is not active at this time.
The low-cost alternative is to avail of Fido's "
Chip Check" service.
A Certificate of Registration is a legal document that indicates the statutory information that is recorded in
an Approved Database at the time of printing, and all dog owners are required to possess such Certificates and be able
to produce them when requested by certain Authorities (including the pound, local authorities, port customs, Gardai etc.).